Energy Independence

There is no question that energy is one of the most important issues facing our country right now. Drilling for oil will be part of our energy portfolio for the foreseeable future – however, I believe we can increase domestic oil production in a responsible way, while also creating new jobs and shifting to a renewable energy economy.

What America needs is a comprehensive energy strategy that includes:

  • Expanded drilling in the 68 million acres of land already under lease by oil companies
  • Expanded drilling in places like the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico
  • Protecting environmentally sensitive areas like the Great Lakes
  • Curbing oil speculation
  • Temporarily releasing a portion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to offer short-term relief at the pump
  • Exploring safe nuclear alternatives
  • Ending tax breaks for Big Oil
  • Investing in renewable energy technology to create thousands of green collar jobs in Michigan

At the state level, I’ve fought for legislation that encourages responsible drilling here in Michigan, making sure taxpayers get their fair share from the Big Oil companies, and using that revenue to help us invest in renewable energy. That’s the kind of change I’ll fight for in Congress, to help break our dependence on foreign oil and move America towards energy independence.