Write a Letter to the Editor

Thousands of voters read the letter to the editor section. Be heard and write a letter to the editor about how Mark Schauer is the kind of honest leader we need who will end the war in Iraq and work to improve Michigan’s economy and end the war in Iraq. To make sure your letter gets published, use your own words and make a succinct argument or tell a compelling story. Make sure your letter is short and try and relate it to a recent article or opinion piece published in that paper. Please feel free to keep the following points in mind:
  • Tim Walberg is a George Bush Republican who has consistently rubber stamped the President's agenda. He's a steadfast supporter of the war in Iraq and trade policies that ship our jobs overseas.
  • Mark Schauer is a proven leader who has brought business and labor to create jobs.
  • Mark Schauer opposed the war in Iraq from day one and will work to bring the war to a responsible end.
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