ICYMI: Michigan Truth Squad calls technical, flagrant fouls on GOP attack ads

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In case you missed it, today the Michigan Truth Squad analyzed three TV ads attacking Congressman Mark Schauer (D-MI) from the Walberg for Congress, the NRCC, and American Future Fund.

In case you missed it, today the Michigan Truth Squad analyzed three TV ads attacking Congressman Mark Schauer (D-MI) from the Walberg for Congress, the NRCC, and American Future Fund.

Tim Walberg attack ad rated as: TECHNICAL FOUL

KEY PASSAGE - "Walberg's claim that he 'strongly supports Social Security, always has' is undercut by his statements about privatization. In a conversation with the Independent Caucus, affiliated with Tea Party activists, he calls it "So-called Social Security" and agrees with a comment that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme."

NRCC attack ad rated as: FLAGRANT FOUL

KEY PASSAGE - "Once again, the ad falsely states Schauer supported big Medicare cuts. And this spot uses an audio clip from a radio show hosted by Walt Sorg, who has asked the NRCC to take the ad down for misrepresenting what Schauer said."

American Future Fund attack ad rated as: FLAGRANT FOUL

KEY PASSAGE - "The National Journal ranks Schauer as one of the 'centrist' members of the House, not liberal or conservative. In that category is also U.S. Reps. Candice Miller (R-Harrison Twp.), Fred Upton (R-St. Joseph) and Bart Stupak (D-Menominee), all of whom do have more conservative records than Schauer. Schauer has a 58.7 percent liberal record and is the 248th most conservative member of Congress in a body of 435."

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Paid for by Schauer for Congress.