Voters deserve to know if Walberg would vote to save 4,700 MI teacher jobs, close tax loopholes that reward outsourcing

9 August 2010
JACKSON - Tomorrow the U.S. House of Representatives will be called into a special session to vote on legislation that would save 4,700 Michigan teaching jobs and close special tax loopholes that reward companies for outsourcing American jobs. Today Congressman Mark Schauer (D-MI) announced his support for the bill, and called on his opponent Tim Walberg to tell voters whether or not he would vote for the measure.

"It's time to stop rewarding companies for shipping our jobs to China," said Schauer. "Michigan voters deserve to know if Tim Walberg would support this important legislation to save thousands of teaching jobs across the state, or if he will continue to defend outsourcing as ‘both necessary and good for the nation's economy.'"

The legislation will save 140,000 teacher jobs nationally, and will create or save an additional 150,000 jobs for police officers, firefighters and nurses. The bill is completely paid for, and will cut the national deficit by $1.4 billion over 10 years.


  • Tim Walberg has signed a pledge to defend tax loopholes that encourage companies to ship jobs overseas:
    • In May 2010, Americans for Tax Reform stated that their pledge required opposition to The American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010. The legislation would have closed a variety of different loopholes that actually create tax incentives for companies to move American jobs overseas. [Americans for Tax Reform, 5/20/10, Washington Post, 6/9/10]
    • Tim Walberg has signed the ATR pledge. []
  • During a 2004 debate, Walberg agreed that outsourcing was "both necessary and good" for the nation's economy. [Lansing State Journal, 4/27/04]


Paid for by Schauer for Congress.