Outsourcing group already attacking Schauer with misleading ads

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4 August 2010
Walberg signed pledge to defend tax loopholes that encourage companies to ship job overseas

JACKSON - Today the pro-outsourcing group "Americans for Prosperity" launched a $260,000 smear campaign against Congressman Mark Schauer (D-MI) with misleading TV ads that aim to distort Schauer's record of fighting for Michigan families and businesses.

"This shadowy group was founded by a billionaire CEO whose company actually won an award for outsourcing American jobs to China," said Zack Pohl, spokesman for Schauer's campaign. "Since Tim Walberg has pledged to defend tax loopholes that encourage companies to ship jobs overseas, it's no surprise that his special interest allies are willing to spend whatever it takes to buy this election. Mark Schauer doesn't work for the special interests - he's fighting to help our businesses create jobs here, not in China."

The Americans for Prosperity ad falsely claims Schauer voted to increase the national debt, when in fact he voted against increasing the national debt ceiling and publicly called on Speaker Pelosi to pass a budget that cut government spending. [WTVB, 2/5/10; Citizen Patriot, 3/25/10]

Additionally, the ad falsely claims Schauer voted to cut Medicare for seniors. In fact, the health care reform bill Schauer voted to pass was endorsed by AARP. At a town hall meeting earlier this year, Michigan AARP government affairs director Felicia Wasson said, "We would never support a plan that cuts Medicare." [Detroit News, 3/30/10]


  • Americans for Prosperity Founded by billionaire CEO:
    • "Mr. Koch, a major contributor to the Republican Party and supporter of conservative causes... helped establish the nonprofit Americans for Prosperity Foundation, which supports free-market policies." [New York Times, 7/10/08]
    • "Americans for Prosperity got over $5 million from Koch Foundations between 2005 and 2008." [MSNBC, 3/31/10]
  • Koch Industries subsidiary won award for outsourcing American jobs to China:
    • "Freeborders and INVISTA Named Winners of Outsourcing Excellence Award; Prestigious Award Recognizes New Sales and Sourcing Platform for the Global Textile Industry." [Freeborders Press Release, 6/1/06]
    • Invista is a key subsidiary of Koch Industries. [http://www.invista.com/page_whois_shareholder_en.shtml]
  • Walberg has signed a pledge to defend tax loopholes that encourage companies to ship jobs overseas:
    • In May 2010, Americans for Tax Reform stated that their pledge required opposition to The American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010. The legislation would have closed a variety of different loopholes that actually create tax incentives for companies to move American jobs overseas. [Americans for Tax Reform, 5/20/10, Washington Post, 6/9/10]
    • Tim Walberg has signed the ATR pledge. [www.atr.org]
Paid for by Schauer for Congress.